Leider schlägt die Wasserqualität der Seine auch den Para-Triathlet:innen in Paris ein Schnippchen. Alle Bewerbe werden daher vorerst auf morgen verschoben. Florian Brungraber sollte daher morgen um 08:18 Uhr in sein Rennen starten.
ETU: General News, Europe Triathlon Elections 2025 ? Official List of Nominees Announced
Europe Triathlon is pleased to announce the official list of nominees for the Elections 2025, which will take place on 22 March 2025 in Istanbul mehr
ETU: Age Group, General News, Europe Triathlon Championships Istanbul 2025: Date Change to Enhance Athlete Experience
In collaboration with the Turkish Triathlon Federation and the Istanbul local authorities, Europe Triathlon wants to announce a date change for the mehr
ETU: Age Group, Europe Triathlon Championships Istanbul 2025: Date Change to Enhance Athlete Experience
In collaboration with the Turkish Triathlon Federation and the Istanbul local authorities, Europe Triathlon wants to announce a date change for the mehr
ETU: Sport Development, General News, Europe Triathlon Championships Istanbul 2025: Date Change to Enhance Athlete Experience
In collaboration with the Turkish Triathlon Federation and the Istanbul local authorities, Europe Triathlon wants to announce a date change for the mehr
ETU: General News, Europe Triathlon Championships Istanbul 2025: Date Change to Enhance Athlete Experience
In collaboration with the Turkish Triathlon Federation and the Istanbul local authorities, Europe Triathlon wants to announce a date change for the mehr
ETU: Federations, General News, Europe Triathlon Championships Istanbul 2025: Date Change to Enhance Athlete Experience
Building Bridges
In collaboration with the Turkish Triathlon Federation and the Istanbul local authorities, Europe Triathlon wants to announce a mehr